Thursday, November 17, 2011

Loft Bed: Maximizing The Space Of Small Rooms

!9# Loft Bed: Maximizing The Space Of Small Rooms

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Living in urban areas provides several luxuries: you can work at your dream firm, study at the best colleges and universities of your choice, enjoy the parties are nights, go to modern shopping centers in the block, and more. Urban living might a best but all these have the drawback: space. That is, if you live in a dormitory or a room where every inch is precious. And when you live in an area where putting a generous size of bed is impossible, eating at a coffee table requires to pass through series of maze, and rolling your sleeping bag every morning, it is time to call for help.

Loft bed answers the need for extra space while maintaining a decent place. Loft bed gives you the freedom to move extra furniture in to your place without worrying where to put them. Loft bed makes your room more pleasant at it relaxed the crowd to your room. For children, loft bed can transform the bedroom into a playhouse even if the size is not big.

If you are considering to buy one here are the things your should know:

Loft bed and bunk bed are two different things. Bunk bed is a type of bedding where there are two layers of mattresses. This is used if two people share one room in need for extra space. The most common type bunk bed is the upper deck is horizontal with the lower and the length of the bed depends on your need. There are stack beds with twin size bed on the top and is accessible by ladder and a full size bed at the bottom. Bunk bed also the upper and the lowed bed identical with each other. Bunk bed also has its bottom bunk running vertically and the upper bunk running horizontally.

Loft bed on the other hand presents an elevated bed. This provides an ample space to place other things such as desk, computer, lounge, and table below.

If you live with a roommate, having a bunk bed is more ideal than having a loft bed. But if you live alone, loft bed is best for you.

Loft bed should be though. Consider choosing specific type of loft bed depending on who is going to sleep on it. For teens, loft bed should be sturdy. Since they are much heavier than children, loft bed should provide enough support on their weight.

Loft bed is also designed for children. Considering such would mean looking for loft bed that is designed for children. Colorful loft bed is widely available and ensures the fun the moment bedtime arrives. It also has to have rails. The rails will protect your children in case they move at the edge of the bed. Strength should also be the top priority.

Consider the size of the bed. Make sure that the length of the loft bed will fit your room especially your body. But first, make sure that the bed will fit to your door. Although there are loft beds that can be assembled inside the room, you should always make sure that whatever type of loft bed you choose, you could always get the maximum comfort.

Loft bed should match the room. If you already have existing furniture inside your room, make sure that the loft bed you buy will not destroy the whole arrangement of the room.

One more thing: loft bed can only be used by someone who is old enough to climb up and down the stair and not for children of a very young age.

Loft Bed: Maximizing The Space Of Small Rooms

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Saturday, November 5, 2011

Space Saving Bedroom Furniture

!9# Space Saving Bedroom Furniture

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Bedrooms in today's homes don't seem to be as large as they used to be despite the fact that many of the pieces of furniture in use in bedrooms is essential. After all, you will always need somewhere to store your everyday clothes; you will always need somewhere to hang your outdoor wear; you will always need somewhere to store your shoes. In fact, it has been suggested that as much as 35% of women's clothing hanging in her closet is never worn! One way, however, of optimizing space with your closet is in having sliding doors rather than the hinged ones that open outwards. While this option is not going to save you much overall space, the fact that the doors slide instead of opening enables you to reduce the space needed between the bed and the closet.

Aside from somewhere to store clothes and shoes, we all need a comfortable place to sleep. While it may not seem immediately obvious, the easiest place to economize, in terms of space, is with the bed as closet size is unanimously never sufficient so you can hardly compromise in that department. One of the more traditional concepts for space saving bedroom furniture is storage space integral to the bed itself. Under-bed storage - where the bed base lifts up - and storage drawers that are inserted at one or other side of the divan are nothing new and have been on the market for years. If you decide on a bed frame rather than a divan then investing in a couple of under-bed storage boxes would be a good idea.

These storage boxes are usually made of plastic with clip-down lids and are designed as large, flattish boxes which often have tiny wheels attached to them. Used in conjunction with space saving bedroom furniture they are an invaluable source of storage. Continuing on the theme of storage space, if you have room to incorporate bedside tables, you would be better advised to choose a design that incorporates drawers. We all accumulate bits and pieces and, where better to hide these than to allocate a bedside drawer for them. Another option for saving space with your bedside cabinets is to attach them to the wall. There are various advantages to this, the first of which makes your room look less crowded; the second means that any bedside light placed on top of the bedside cabinet will flood your room with light which, in itself, helps give the allusion of a bigger room.

One way to acquire more space in a small bedroom is by doing away with the bed completely and installing a Futon sofa convertible instead. Naturally this wouldn't be everybody's choice but, if the bedroom belongs to a teenager, a Futon sofa may be a more acceptable option. Not all Futons have to be as expensive as the top-of-the-range one that converts into two bunk beds. The basic frame can be obtained from IKEA for quite an economical price. On saying that, however, you could also purchase a Hill Country Futon and pay top dollars! Overall, however, it is possible to locate suitable space saving bedroom furniture that makes an economical and attractive option for furnishing a bedroom with diminutive proportions.

Space Saving Bedroom Furniture

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